Who are we?
We all share the passion for cinema and the desire to improve our surroundings. We work together but allow ourselves to focus on what we are truly interested in. Wroclaw’s Film Foundation is a team that quickly reaches the set goals.

journalist, film producer, member of film production company Centrala. As a student he worked for TVP 3 Wroclaw and RBB TV in Berlin and wrote for Machina Magazine and German newspaper Schwaebisches Tagblatt. He is a co-author of a book about the work of Louis Bunuel. After graduating from Spanish Philology in the University of Wroclaw, he begun working as a film producer and has worked on productions of both documentaries and feature films. He is a graduate from Andrzej Wajda’s Masters School with a major in creative production, and a winner of MFG Film Foerderung Baden Wuertemberg scholarship. He attended Ludwigsburg-Paris Atelier and graduated from La Femis in France and NFTS in London with specialisation in film production

film journalist, cultural animator and organiser of many cultural events. For three years he worked for Stopklatka and published his articles in Aktivist, Rita Baum, Dwutygodnik, Portalfilmowy.pl. Between 2009 and 2010 he was an editor-in-chief of culture portal G-punkt.pl. He was a member of Misja w Komie (Mobile Mission) movement, where he prepared information for the European Congress of Culture. In years 2011-2013 a president of Visionica Foundation.
He is one of the founders of Documentary Film Academy MovieWro and co-founder of projects Polish Cinema for Beginners and MIASTOMovie. In 2011 he became the artistic director of Okiem Mlodych Documentary Film Festival, coordinator of Bitwa Filmowa (Film Battle) and festival Podwodny Wroclaw (Underwater Wroclaw). He is partly responsible for Szczyt Kultury award for cultural animators from Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. In 2011 and 2012 he coordinated the first and the second editions of the Young Cinema Review in Pasaz Grunwaldzki cinema. He also works with DoFA Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture and coordinates the debates during PLANETE + DOC Festival as well as gives lectures during Multikino Film Academy and Nowe Horyzonty Film Education. A co-author of Stanislaw Lenartowicz- tworca osobny book.

Producer and head of production for narrative films and over twenty documentaries, presented and awarded at international film festivals in Poland and abroad. Co-founder of Centrala, Film 1,2 society and Wrocław Film Foundation. In her free time (if that even exists with her busy schedule) she pursues her passion about democratic education and other pro-social initiatives.

Film critic, journalist and lecturer.
Adam Mickiewicz graduated in Poznan University (2008), studied also at Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2004-2005) and Universita della Calabria in Cosenza (2007). Lecturer and workshop leader at University of Lower Silesia, Film Academy, Academy of Polish Film, and others.
Author of articles and interviews published in Polish (‘Kino’, ‘Film’, ‘Ekrany’, ‘Kwartalnik Filmowy’, ‘Dwutygodnik’, ‘Filmweb’) and international press (‘Images’, ‘Iskusstvo Kino’, ‘Schegge’), reporter from film festivals (Venice, Berlin, San Sebestian). Co-author of several books on film, art and culture, winner of Krzysztof Metrak Award for best young Polish film critic (2012).
Employee of Associazione Universitaria Koiné on Bologna University (2012-2013) and Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe (2008-2010). Editor of ‘Flaneur Kulturalny’ show for National Audiovisual Institute (2011-2012). Coordinator of Polish Cinema for Beginners project (since 2012). Member of Dante Alighieri Association and Wroclaw Film Foundation.

Graduated from Spanish and French Philology at University of Wrocław and from Wrocławska Szkoła Fotografii AFA.
In 2018 she received scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for cultural animation and cultural education. She has been working at Brave Festival: in 2015 as the producer’s assistant, since 2016 as the Executive Producer. Connectected with TIFF Center and TIFF Festival as the coordinator of their projects since 2014. She has been managing Jubilo Foundation and coordinating WFF’s projects since 2017. In 2014 she started working with kids, youth and seniors at the TIFF Academy by hosting photography workshops. She’s also organised workshops for Klub Młodzieżowy Stowarzenie Żółty Parasol, Wrocławskie Ścieżki Tolerancji, Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Makerspace Pralnia w Sokołowsku. Involved in organizing MIASTOmovie, International Documentary Festival Okiem Młodych in Świdnica, 15th WRO Media Art Biennale, TIFF Festival 2013, 15th New Horizons Festival, Dni Afryki w Olsztynie, AfryKamery, Asymmetry Festival. She takes part in many publishing projects (translation, edition, adjustment, photography).
Initiator of the artistic collective ‘Odkrytki. Kochanym ciotkom’ which has won European Capital of Culture 2016 mikroGRANTS for it’s photography projects four times.

Graduated from Communication and Media (1st degree) and Culture and Image of Region (2nd degree) at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Wrocław and from Communication Managment (Branding) at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Wrocław. She has been working with Fundacja Visionica (later WrocFF) since 2009 taking care of promotion, creating campaigns on social medias and running their websites. She worked at Bitwy Filmowe and Documentary Academy ‘MovieWro’. Now involved in Intenational Documentary Fesival ‘Okiem Młodych’ in Świdnica, Polish Cinema for Beginners, Urban Festival MIASTOmovie and SPEKTRUM Film Festival.
She has also taken care of social media at Millenium Docs Against Gravity Wrocław and Brave Festival.
In 2016 she worked with Impart 2016 Festival Office at ‘Wielkie Żarcie’ and City of the Future/the Laboratory projects that were part of the Wrocław European Capital of Culture 2016. In 2017 she has started working with Fundacja Ładne Historie, where she runs social media, and Posłuchane and Lekcje Sztuki projects.
She is a winter, cats and board games fan.

Graduated from Political Studies (Media and Journalism specialization) at the Faculty of Social Science and from Journalism and Social Communication (Communication Design specialization) at the
University of Wrocław.
She has been working at „Okiem Młodych” Film Festival since 2010 (first with Visionica Foundation, later turned into WrocFF) – she begun as a volounteer. In 2016 she took care of promotion and creating capaign and festival’s social media. Since 2017 she is responsible for promotion and media contact at International Documentary Film Festival „Okiem Młodych”, SPEKTRUM Film Festival in Świdnica and at Posłuchane Project (Ładne Historie Foundation). In 2017 she was also promoting
Lower Silesian Film Festival in Sokołowsko. Since the beginning of 2017 she has been working with Sofar Sounds – as social media and location manager.
Since 2017 she works with Centrala Film (Łódź) where she is a film production assistant.
She loves discovering new bands and hates boredom.

music and culture journalist. Since 2013 he has been the editor-in-chief of G-punkt.pl culture website and before that a head of music department in LUZ Radio. He worked for Art&Business and Piana Magazine and now is a co-writer of Popvictims.pl blog. He is also a lecturer and moderator at debates, press conferences and writers meetups (for example at T-Mobile Nowe Horyzonty festival, Eklektik Session, Documentary Film Academy “MovieWro”, Podwodny Wroclaw, Wroclawski Sound, Wroclaw Guitar Festival). He interviewed people such as Leszek Balcerowicz, Danuta Walesa to Jesse Cook, Patricia Kaas, Muniek Staszczyk and bands Cool Kids of Death, Little Dragon and Vader. He works as a spokesperson and PR manager for institutions and during cultural events such as DOK.Incubator 2013. He is a founder of Szczyt Kultury 2011 award dedicated to cultural animators from Wroclaw and Lower Silesia and an author of Siodmy Kontynent programme under the patronage of the embassies of Australia and New Zealand.

Graduated from the University of Wroclaw from History of Art and Cultural Studies departments with a degree in Performance Studies and Communication Design. For a couple of years she worked for the Contemporary Theatre in Wroclaw during Theatre Festival DIALOG and as a text editor. She is an ambassador for Lódź Design Festival 2011 in Wroclaw and since 2013 she has been co-organising Wroclove Design Festival. Until recently she had been working in CRZ Krzywy Komin in Wroclaw, where she helped creating the programme and was responsible for organising funding. She coordinated three month long workshop about spatial awareness for children and young people – KIDS DESIGN SPACE as well as co-organised the second edition of an international project FRESH DESIGN- Young Europe About Design, workshops and exhibition of design and architecture students from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine and Poland. She works with non-government organisations, raising, managing and appraising funding from national and international sources, which is also what she does for WrocFF.

Gradueted from culture and new media studies at the University of Wrocław and culture managment post-graduate studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
She’s been co-creating and cooperating with Wrocławska Fundacja Filmowa as the curator of accompanying events since 2014.
In years 2014-17 she’s been responsible for music scene programme of MIASTOmovie: wro Festival as well as for the cultural and social actions within other WFF’s projects such as Spektrum Film Festival and Interantional Documentary Festival Okiem Młodych. She’s been coordinating educational project Polish Cinema for Beginners since 2017.
Connected with Biuro Festiwalowe Impart 2016 as the Visual Arts Projects Specialist in years 2015-16. In 2016 she’s started working with Fundacja Ładne Historie as the executive producer of Posłuchane and Lekcje Sztuki projects.
She has also been working with NGOs as a musical events coordinator and managing ENDE ceramics studio in Wrocław.



director, film producer. In 2004 he made his début with an independent film Katatonia, which won the Feature Film Festival in Gdynia. His film Guagra was awarded with Zloty Lajkonik Award and The Intangible Heritage Award- Cinema du Reel FF and was featured during 2008 Cannes Festival. He is a co-owner of Centrala production company and a co-founder of Stowazyszenie Film 1.2 Foundation. He produced many documentary films and feature films. Right now he is developing a startup company, which will combine his experience of working with media with new technological solutions.

Cultural and social animator, production manager, photographer. Graduate University of Wroclaw with a degree in journalism and social communication and SWPS University in Wroclaw in the department of graphic design. He is a founder and coordinator of MovieWro Documentary Film Academy, projects coordinator and board member of Wroclaw Film Foundation. Organizer and a coordinator of Documentary Film Festival Okiem Mlodych in Swidnica and guest office coordinator of Spektrum Film Festival. From 2013 co-work with Warsaw Film Festival guest office as jury coordinator.
Currently involved in movie production. He was a winner of 48 HourFilm Project Warsaw award for his film Zle Zabawy (Bad Games) with Imgorzejtymlepiej Group and production manager of Michał Marczak film “All These Sleepless Nights” awarded at Sundance and T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival.

Photographer, video creator. He graduated University of Wrocław with bachelor in Cultural Studies with specialization in film culture. Student of Mediation of Art with a curatorial specialization on Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wroclaw. Associated with Wroclaw Film Foundation, TIFF Collective and The Festival Centre IMPART 2016. He creates photo relations from cultural events in Wroclaw, documents exhibitions, live music and creates videos. Since 2016 he works also as a graphic designer. He has worked with: National Forum of Music, Jazz nad Odra Festival, Brave Festival, Docs Against Gravity, New Horizons Association, National Centre of Polish Song, Contemporary Museum in Wroclaw, WRO Art Center, Wrosound Festival, Funkhaus Berlin and European Film Association.

Graduated from Art Criticism at the University of Wrocław, Film Studies at the Jagellonian University and from the Cultural Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication at the SWPS University.
Since 2009 she has been related to Fundacja Visionica (later WrocFF). At first she was interning at Documentary Festival ‘MovieWro’. Later she has been working at creating advertising spots, photo and video reports. She was involved at organising Polish Cinema for Beginners, International Documentary Festival ‘Okiem Młodych’ and MIASTOmovie Festival. During the 5th edition of MIASTOmovie she was the curator of accompanying music events.
She is also related to Regime where she’s creating music videos and co-creating number of musical and cultural events. She was one of the organizers of NACISK – 1st print festiwal. She worked at Millenium Docs Againsy Gravity Festival, Eklektik Session and the Univeristy of the Third Age.
Currently she is taking post-graduate studies from psychgerontology at the Insitute of Psychology at the University of Wrocław.
She is a new greek cinematography and film montage lover.